Buying the Right Hummingbird Feeder

If you're ready to purchase a hummingbird feeder, there are several factors that should definitely be considered:

1) The most important thing to consider is the safety of the hummingbirds. If you have cats, or if there are cats in your neighborhood who could possibly get to the area where your feeder will be, then you should get the hanging type. Make sure that it is at least 5 feet above the ground.

Humming Bird

2) Get a glass hummingbird feeder. Glass holds up much better to weather conditions than plastic and other materials, plus it is easier to clean and will resist mold and other unwanted growing things better than most other materials.

3) Get one with an ant moat, or if the one you fall in love with does not have an ant moat, buy one separately. An ant moat is a decorative cup that you fill with water that goes between the hummingbird feeder and whatever it is attached to. The water acts as a barrier for ants.

4) If you're not sure how much usage your hummingbird feeder is going to get, then you should begin with a smaller feeder. Nectar only stays fresh for a few days, and the hummingbirds will reject it if it is spoiled.

5) Get a feeder that is easy to clean. You should be able to easily clean your feeder with a bottle brush or toothbrush and a small rag. Why make extra work for yourself? Also be sure to rinse your feeder with warm water when you change the nectar.

6) The color red attracts the hummingbird's attention. Therefore you want to have some red on your feeder. It does not have to be totally red, just a dab of red is sufficient. The color yellow, on the other hand, should be avoided as it attracts bees and wasps, and they will work to keep the hummingbirds away. So keep that in mind.

7) By all means, pick out a hummingbird feeder that is attractive and one that you will enjoy looking at often, as I'm sure you will have lots to look at when the hummingbirds come! 

Buying the Right Hummingbird Feeder



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