
The Beautiful Hummingbirds

The hummingbirds diet requires nectar as a source of energy and for their protein source small insects. Hummingbirds love artificial nectar from man-made humming bird feeders. Such feeders provide the hummingbirds with a good supply of nectar, and at the same time allow people to observe and enjoy hummingbirds up-close. Homemade nectar can be made from 1 part white, granulated table sugar to 4 parts water, boiled to make it easier to dissolve the sugar and to purify the solution so that it will stay fresh longer. The cooled nectar is then carefully placed into the hummingbird feeder. You should avoid using diet sweeteners because, though the hummingbirds will drink it, they will not get the calories they need to sustain their metabolism. Aspects 407 Jewel Box Window Hummingbird Feeder, 8-Ounce While it is true that bright colors attract hummingbirds, it is better to use a feeder that has some red on it, rather than coloring the water. It is possible that red dye is ...

Learning About Hummingbirds

Hummingbirds are a joy for a birdwatcher to observe. They are found only in the Western Hemisphere, from as far north as Southeastern Alaska and the Maritimes of Canada and as far south as Southern Chile. There are approximately 350 species of hummingbirds with 320 species found in the tropics. Within the family of hummingbirds is found the smallest bird in the world, the Bee Hummingbird of Cuba at 2.17 inches (5.5 cm) and weight 1.95gm (0.07 oz). Hummingbirds range in size from 2 inches to 8 inches. The hummingbird derives its name from the humming sound that is produced by its rapid wingbeat. Generally the wingbeat is so rapid that the individual only sees a blur as most of these birds flap their wings about 50 times per second. The speed of the wingbeat depends on the size of the bird, the largest the Giant Hummingbird, has a wingbeat rate of 10-15 times per second. The fastest recorded rate was about 80 times per second, on a tiny Amethyst Woodstar, and the slightly smaller B...

Hummingbird Food Recipe - How to Make Hummingbird Food

Hummingbirds are probably one of the most popular birds that people try to attract to their yards. Of course one of the simplest ways to attract them is to add to your yard the plants that they naturally feed on. This can include flowering plants like honeysuckle or trumpet creepers. But you may not be able to locate these where you can easily see them, so the next best solution is to mount a hummingbird feeder where you can see it, and that means you will need to fill it with hummingbird food. The classic formulation is make make a solution of one part sugar to four parts water. Most experts suggest that you use cane sugar (the white granulated type is fine.) Starting with one cup of water and 1/4 cup of sugar should be enough to begin with, but you can make more and store it if you want. Let it cool and then store it in the refrigerator. Try not to store it for more than a couple of weeks. Humming Bird The water should be boiled first, this not only makes it easier...

Hummingbird Sex Position

Hummingbird Position has nothing to do with that little bird of course. It is a sexual position in which the legs and arms of the partners involved are flapping about, they are not in use at all. Got you interested? Every now and then there is a new revelation regarding our sexual activities. And when I say "revelation" I really do mean that, because we Westerners don't know much about making love. Let's face it - the real art of making love is not what you see in those sleazy porn movies - it is something beautiful, something divine, truly artistic. Our Eastern brothers figured that out a long time ago, and while we were in the dark middle ages, doing the old missionary position, they were inventing many new ways of enjoying sex. Humming Bird This technique, the Hummingbird Position, or Eros Hummingbird , is one of those. Very unusual one, very involving one and - very orgasmic one. You should try it and see, or should I say feel it, for yourself. As I ment...

How To Make Hummingbird Food At Home

It's spring at last, and here in Southern Colorado, it seems we've been waiting a long time to glimpse our favorite wild bird, the hummingbird . We just love watching these tiny, lithe creatures of such vivid color outside our window. There have been a couple summers here that we've had twenty different hummingbirds at our three feeders. We had to refill them every day just to keep up! We're fortunate to have very good soil in our yard, while most of this part of the country is poor, rocky soil. This makes growing perennials easier and more bountiful. I say easier because we are in a high-desert climate and must water constantly to keep things green. Humming Bird Those two things: certain flowers, and running the sprinkler system help attract the hummingbirds to our yard. With their specially designed beaks and long tongues, they just love the flowers suited to their anatomy. Our columbines, torch lilies and butterfly bushes are like giant billboards advertising...

Hummingbird Fish Finders - Side Imaging Vs Down Imaging

Have you ever thought of taking your fishing experience to the next level? Well, I'm not saying to participate to professional tournaments, but just to do something to always be one step ahead other fishermen or even one step ahead of fish. The best solution for that is one of the best models of Hummingbird Fish Finders. Anyway, not many fishermen are aware of all the possibilities that Hummingbird Fish Finders can unlock. They have many questions related to them. So, in this article, I'm going to try to answer a few common questions that people generally ask about these fish finder GPS units, especially about the Side Imaging and Down Imaging features. Humming Bird What is Side Imaging? Side Imaging is a feature that some of the top-class Hummingbird Fish Finders have. The Side Imaging sonar casts a thin beam, up to 240 ft on each side of your boat, taking a quick snapshot of all the shapes underneath the boat. This snapshot is added to the images taken before an...

Hummingbird Houses - A Shelter For The Birds And A Delight For You

Through the centuries, bird enthusiasts and other people have been putting up bird houses all over the country and all over the world. These bird houses are designed to attract different kinds of birds, and they are very helpful in enhancing your bird-watching experience. One of the most intriguing and captivating birds to watch is the hummingbird . Hummingbirds are generally found in South America, and they are the smallest birds in the world. They are the only birds in the world that are able to fly backwards. Because of these characteristics, hummingbirds are among the most sought-after creatures of bird watchers everywhere. Humming Bird In order to spend hours watching this delightful little bird, you would have to be able to make it stay in the same place for a long time. You can do this by creating a hummingbird house in your own backyard. This is a bird house specifically designed for the unusual hummingbird species. You do not need to spend a lot to put up humming...